Becoming the people Jesus taught us to become.


Paying Attention, Being Blessed

For this week's blog post, I want to invite you to watch a 10 minute video and reflect on one
person's life.  When sister Margaret Gaines was 19 years old, after only one year of Bible College, she felt called to go on the mission field, but no one would allow her to go as a single woman.  She went anyway.  After many years in Tunisia she ended up in a Palestinian community where she established a church and a school for Muslim children, simply showing them the love of God.  In recent years she has had several health problems and now, at 80 years of age, is no longer serving overseas.  She is an ordinary person who simply tried to do what God gave her to do.  And while she isn't specifically using my language from Sunday about learning to pay attention to God, that is what her story is about.  Currently, though she is frail and old, she serves a small, rural church in Alabama as their pastor.  Hear her story and reflect on the ways she has paid attention to God's work in her life.  You'll be blessed!

Margaret Gaines Story from John Schroter on Vimeo.

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