Becoming the people Jesus taught us to become.


there must be more...

In John 10.10 Jesus promises us that we "may have life, and have it to the full." If we are honest, however, not many of us are truly experiencing life in this way.  And what is "life to the full", anyway?  Our goal for 2012 is that we who name ECC as our church home will grow in what it means to live life to the full.  We are calling this year The Year of Living Dangerously.  That is, my prayer is that 2012 be the year each of us discovers why we are here and how we are meant to live, in our relationships with God, in the community of faith and out in the 97% of our waking hours spent outside of ECC-sponsored activities and environments.
My hope is that this site becomes a place where I can share additional thoughts on the journey and what it means for us to Know God, Follow Jesus and Pursue God's Purposes in the World.  You are invited to enter the conversation, post comments, ask questions and tell stories of the work God is doing in and through you on this journey.  Make sure you join the site (in the sidebar) so you can participate in the conversation.  Welcome!