Becoming the people Jesus taught us to become.


Becoming the People Jesus Taught us to Become

In the coming months we will focus on what it means to become all that Jesus teaches us we can become in him.  Look at the "be" commands in our introductory video below.  Do you find them daunting?  Exciting?  Challenging?  Overwhelming?  All of the above?  Welcome to the club.  To become more Christlike is a tall order, but we do not do it alone.  We have God's Spirit, his word and the community of brothers and sisters on the journey with us.

The imagery we will be coming back to time and again in the months to come is that of the hammer striking hot metal, shaping it, bending it, re-forming it into something useful and strong and practical.  For this is what God does with us, too.  He shapes us into something better, useful and strong.

Of course, if we are to allow God to reshape us and mold us, we must put ourselves in places and practices where his grace can go to work in the transformation of our very being.  That takes the three ingredients I've mentioned several times over the past few years: Vision, Intention and Means - VIM.  We have the vision of where we can go and grow in Christ.  We have the means and methodologies - Bible studies, books, DVDs, small groups, classes, retreats - you name it.  What we lack is the intention.

The Good News of the gospel message is that Jesus has intention as well.  He intends that you and I be transformed by his grace, word, Spirit and one another.  What is your intention?


  1. My intention is to let the Holy Spirit BE the engine.
