Becoming the people Jesus taught us to become.


the point of no return

I read recently (and double-checked with an expert!) that when a plane is heading down the runway, preparing to take off, the captain's hand is on the throttle until the co-pilot says, "V1."  "V1" is the term for the speed at which the aircraft crosses over "the point of no return."  At this point, it is too late to stop the plane, regardless.  It must take off.  Once the "V1" is given, the captain can take his or her hand off the throttle.  The craft and its crew have passed the point of no return.  They are committed, as we say.  The plane will take off.

When the angel Gabrielle announces to Mary that she will conceive, carry and give birth to the Messiah, she is rapidly approaching "V1".  At a certain point in this journey, there will be no turning back.  She, too, is committed.

It strikes me that this is what all of us are called to do in our relationships with Christ, as well.  Cross the point of no return.  Commit to the journey and the mission and Jesus' vision of the kingdom of God, "no turning back, no turning back," for he has done the same for us.

As we move into this first week of the season of Advent, I pray that we will be mindful of Mary's commitment to "V1" and that we will reinforce our own commitments to Christ and his mission, infused with the hope of the season - the promise that because of the incarnation (God's "enfleshment" into our world) we are not stuck in our ways or in our sin.  The Kingdom of God is near!

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