Becoming the people Jesus taught us to become.


stuff, stewardship and thanksgiving

On December 27, 2003, a man in the Bronx nearly died at the hands of his "stuff."  The 43-year-old man had lived a reclusive life for decades and may well have suffered from some form of mental illness, but his predicament paints a powerful picture of what greed and materialism can do to us spiritually and emotionally, if not literally.

Over the years this man, Mr. Moore, had collected stacks and stacks of magazines, newspapers, books, catalogues and junk mail.  And he lived in a tiny 10 by 10 foot room!  On the day in question, as he was making his way across the room, all of his stacks came tumbling down around him, literally.  He was stuck, encased in the stacks,trapped standing up for nearly two days before neighbors finally heard him calling out.  When emergency workers arrived, they had to haul away 50 garbage bags full of stuff just to get to Mr. Moore!  Again, I emphasize, this man likely suffered from some disorder and my intention is not to make fun of him or others who suffer in such a way, but to challenge us to consider how all of us have "stuff" that threatens our livelihood in other ways, as well.  We may not be literally crowded out of house and home because of our addiction to things and money, but we may be crowded out spiritually and emotionally.  We may be trapped and enslaved, but God wants us to be free to enjoy the "things" of life and the money of this world, without becoming enslaved or trapped by it.  It reminds of comedian George Carlin's routine on "Stuff."  He remarked once that our houses are simply places "to put your stuff while you go out and get more stuff."

This month, as we both consider a biblical view of stewardship and the approaching Thanksgiving holiday, I pray we all take stock of the things we hold on to, the things we "collect" and the hunger for yet even more of the same in our lives.  More than this, I pray we all get a picture of the freedom that Christ wants to be ours as we seek to faithfully steward over all that he has given us in this life.  And may we do so with gratitude and thanksgiving.  Amen.

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